
Showing posts from August, 2017

North Korea in the Age of the Trump Administration

Alternative title: How Did We Get Here?           American diplomacy as we know it is coming to an end.  That isn't meant to sound ominous or scary, although to an extent, it is both of those things.  The era of strategic patience is out and fire and fury is in.           As the forty-fifth President sat in his makeshift briefing room at his namesake golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey on Tuesday, arms crossed like a toddler scorned and eyes distracted, flitting around the room, Trump warned of "fire, fury, and frankly power" against the DPRK if they make any more threats to the United States.  Trump's administration also kept the military option on the table for dealing with the rogue state.               What Trump doesn't seem to understand is that of course the DPRK will continue to provoke the United States.   North Korea has fired 18 missiles in 12 launches since February and its first ICBM in July.  Kim Jong-un has tested more missiles tha